Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Bossa At Night

This is the bossa where we traded fours at the end. At the end of rehearsal, we decided to trade with the drums instead of the winds and piano.

Comment away!


  1. The horns need to practice measures 24 through 32 and I need to work on my solo.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. With a most of the solos, there is good punctuation and subjects but there's no full sentences. The subject needs to DO something. It's like reading an story where it says "The dog. The cat. Food. Mouse." We have all of these things that work very well with each other but that's all there is, no action. It should say, "The dog was laying on the couch. The cat then meowed at him and alerted him of dinner. The food was a nice steak dinner, with anchovies (maybe some tension?),and potatoes. Then a mouse came along wearing a suit... (In other words, "heres a trombone solo")."

    This whole comment thing will be interesting with me because I just ramble and I don't know if it makes sense to other people.

    Oh and I agree with the 24-32 thing.

  4. I can just imagine sitting in a coffee shop drinking a moca and listening to this. Bossa's are just so chill. I really feel like this song is starting to come together, though I agree with the 24-32 thing. I actually really like the solos, but Dom is right, we need to practice phrasing more. I actually really like my solo in this one I feel like i can just feel the energy of the bossa. The rhythm was pretty solid, I think we just need to work on 24-32 and our soloing.

    By the way Dom I love your metaphors.

  5. Storytelling in a solo is a essential. Otherwise, your solos will sound like a bunch or scale and arpeggio drills.

  6. I also deem agreement on the horn parts. And the solos sound fine to me, but indeed, length could be added to them. I don't think they're telling any less of a story by doing what they are doing, it's all music, but maybe the stories could be expanded.

    Dom, I feel like the soloists are doing fine with "The dog. The cat. Food. Mouse." I think what y'all were playing fit the bossa feel. That there weren't these massive riffs and huge moving line solos doesn't matter in a slow dance, let's chill song. To me anyway.

    I suck

  7. Around :50 needs work,the solos had a weird sound, I liked it but it was just kind of weird. I completely agree with Dom and the whole dog cat food mouse thing. Also I'm going to have to work on the drum switches with the 4. Also after the solos the entrances were not all there. I need to improve the ending as well.

  8. I could listen to this groove all day-like Justin said Bossa's have a great calming quality. My opinion of the solos is that they aren't really following the feel of the song. I think short-complete-sentences with energy would be a good fit to this song in particular because you don't want huge run ons with a groove like this. We also need to remember to bring the volume down for Justin's solos.
    PS Zach you don't suck stop being a wiener :P

  9. I forgot I soloed first and I know that no one really likes how they solo but my was really wierd since I had no idea where we were. The horns got out of tune in Chorus four. We all need to fix the very ending notes, its pretty sloppy.

  10. I totally agree with Catherine on Zach's "I suck" comment. That doesn't help the group, or you.
    keep your comments helpful, and insightful.
    Kyle is correct about the getting lost and not sounding good as a result. My advice on this is the same as if you were lost while driving somewhere. Stop. Find out where you are. Get going again.
